Natalie Damiano

DESIGN STYLE: luxe, classic & SLEEK


project scope:
+brand strategy
+VISUAL identity
+photography direction
+course materials
+social templates
+web design

Natalie came to us looking to rebrand her business, as she'd spent the last few years improving her client experience, refining her services and honing her skillset. Additionally, she wanted to solidify a new branch of her brand in the form of a group coaching program and course. She hired us to create a new visual expression to match the shift in target audience and expansion of her offerings, as well as to lay the visual foundation for the course materials. Our overarching objective was to craft a brand that not only matched the quality of service she provided to her in-person clients, but that also spoke to and connected with her future mentees and showcased the high-end experience she was selling.

project objective:

Natalie nails her in-person client experience, considering her client's every need at those critical touch points. Our goal was to craft a brand identity that looked and felt high-end, that embodied the quality of her services, and spoke to the high touch coaching program her mentees were given. In both her client and mentee relationships, she needed her brand to embody a sense of elegant timelessness, so her clients knew she'd be there for the long haul.


We utilized a simplistic color palette: black, white, and cream to showcase the luxury feel behind her brand, and a deep green that is seen so sparingly to use as an accent or supporting color. For the primary typography we chose a serif font to embody the timeless and elegant nature of her brand experience. The creative direction for her photoshoot captured those same vibes with a mix of celebration too. Champagne! Confidence. Total hype woman! We captured Natalie's brand experience in both visual design and photography, for all the fun that it is.


"I absolutely LOVE it. Everything you did here is perfection. I can't say thank you enough, Brannan!"

- natalie d.