
Bringing Balance & Longevity To Brands 

Combining strategic vision and creative insight, we craft brand and website experiences that breathe new life into your work.

see our work


Rooted in years of experience in branding and marketing, Hone develops compelling designs that resonate with your ideal clientele. Find peace of mind and enjoy tangible growth with precise strategies and a creative partner who shares your values.


design with vision

our capabilities

logo design
font family system
sales page
business card
website design
website development
custom iconography

brand strategy
brand patterns
brand assets
social media template
email template
photoshoot direction
pdf design

brand strategy for socials


  • Brand goals creation
  • Brand strengths & weaknesses strategy
  • Target audience identification
  • Content pillars creation
  • Customized content ideas
  • Future growth phases strategy
  • Multi-channel expansion plan
  • 7 days Voxer access

what's included

For the brands who need help finding their place online. Establish a meaningful connection with your ideal audience and stand out with an intentional mini marketing strategy. In the end, you’ll leave with a polished overview and actionable steps that anchor your brand’s current content with your future goals.

A growth-minded workshop to strategize your social presence from the ground up.

timeline: 1 week

investment: $650.00 


Visual Identity

our brand basics

brand intensive

  • Primary & Secondary Logo 
  • Submark 
  • Font Selections
  • Color Palette
  • Brand Pattern
  • Brand Guidelines

what's included

Solidify your visual presence and nurture your brand’s identity with impactful brand visuals that endure. As your brand grows, you’ll move forward with peace of mind and a renewed sense of ease — all made possible by strategic visual elements.

This is minimal, yet impactful week-long brand identity design service is best suited for those with a clear vision + strong decision-making skills.

timeline: 1 week from kick off to final files

investment: $3,200.00 // $1,600 per month x 2



what's included

Feel at home with a cohesive brand strategy and visuals that are authentic to your brand. Encouraging sustainable growth for your lifestyle and business with enduring and strategic designs.

A comprehensive service in 6-8 weeks that's best suited for those ready to sink deep into the details and put down roots.

timeline: 6-8 weeks

INVESTMENT: STARTs AT $6,250.00 // $1,575 per month x 4

  • Brand Voice
  • Brand Archetype
  • Brand Positioning
  • Brand Values
  • Brand Purpose 
  • Brand Pillars

  • Primary & Secondary Logo 
  • Submark 
  • Font Selections
  • Color Palette
  • Brand Patterns
  • Brand Book


Web Design



  • 5-page website 
  • Website creative direction
  • Copy Workbook & Mini Audit
  • 60-minute website tutorial

what's included

Stir up growth with a purpose-filled online home for your brand. This website will speak to your ideal clientele, provide a cohesive experience and serve as a foundation for your SEO rankings. As the final touchpoint before your clients reach out, this strategy-minded space will foster conversions and leave an impression.

Receive a semi-custom cohesive website design in 5 days.

timeline: 1 week from kick off to launch

investment: $3,800.00 // $1,900 per month x 2



what's included

Craft a distinct and unique website with our fully custom web design and development package. From start to finish, we create unique-to-you elements to engage the senses of your ideal clientele and encourage intentional action. 

Utilizing a fully-customized UX strategy to suit your goals and objectives, we build a site that directs your people to connect and book your services. 

timeline: 6-10 weeks

INVESTMENT: STARTs AT $5,250.00 // $1,750 per month x 3

  • Custom UX Strategy
  • Creative Direction
  • Fully custom website design & development
  • Custom Iconography
  • Copy Workbook & Audit
  • 30 day post launch support
  • 60 minute website tutorial

“Folks are constantly complimenting me on my branding — that it truly represents me and my service offerings. She really understands her clients and has the skill to translate a brand essence to a logo and creative vibe.”



If this approach sounds in line with your needs and working style, please connect with us here to complete the client application form. There, you can share a few details about yourself and the core of your brand. 

step 1 / 4


Soon after, perhaps over a warming cup of coffee or tea, we’ll sift through the details of your vision during a complimentary strategy call. This will be a time to re-center yourself and get to the heart of your business. We’ll explore how Hone can expand your mission’s impact. 

step 2 / 4


You’ll find a personalized proposal from Hone in your inbox within 3 business days of our call. There, we will recommend the deliverables and initial strategy for your brand. After you have thoughtfully explored the proposal, your project will be confirmed with a completed contract and service retainer payment.

step 3  / 4


Our process will be filled with intention, and aligned with the values that gave rise to your brand in the first place. Throughout our time together, an efficient flow of communication will be established to encourage mindfulness and meaningful results. Reminders for accountability, space for consideration.

step 4  / 4


inquire now

With mindfulness and meaning at the core of everything we do, you’re in good company. We would be delighted to share our artistic energy and insights with you. We welcome any purpose-led entrepreneur as these are the individuals who make our work feel like a breath of fresh air.

Website & Branding Design Services

Designs Made For Sustainable Growth