An Approach Honed to...
Brannan’s passion for turning ideas into profitable designs stems from her role as a director of brand development for a 7-figure franchise. Responsible for overseeing the brand image and growth for multiple locations, she knows firsthand the power of a consistent and cohesive aesthetic — from small boutique businesses to national brands.
Prior to entering the marketing and design space, Brannan received a master’s degree in experiential education. She revels in the results that are only possible with an eye that is sharpened to appreciate new information, often unearthing hidden lessons and inspirations that become the cornerstone of her designs.
With Hone, she combines your vision with an artistic aesthetic and market analysis to bring beauty and impact to your world.
Morning light. Motherhood.
Soft interiors. Curating my home.
Vintage finds. The feeling of adventure.
Time with family. Mary Oliver poems.
Memories of van life. Yoga.
Art. Enneagram 7.