Living Light Acupuncture


PROJECT type: BRAND strategy, brand identity & web design

project scope:
+brand strategy
+VISUAL identity
+photography direction
+social media templates
+web design
+web development
+business to brand blueprint

Jenna came to us after a decade in business, looking to rebrand from Echogate Energyworks, to a name unknown. We began the project with a foundational Brand Strategy Workshop, and uncovered some of her brand values, ethos and essence. We used what we learned about her work and her target audience to establish a new business name, and eventually craft a warm, soothing and peaceful visual identity and website. Since launching her re-brand, our work has allowed her to book aligned clients who are ready for true healing, and craft long-lasting relationships that allows her gifts space to expand and further impact her people.

project objective:

After our Brand Strategy workshop and reviewing Jenna's client's feedback, we noticed her previous brand identity didn't quite capture her warmth or the depth of her work's power. Jenna's acupuncture and healing work is very hands-on in nature, and requires both empathy and understanding. An overarching goal for the brand expression was to evoke a sense of warmth and comfort, ensuring her clients they are safe in her hands. 


We utilized a lotus flower (a symbol of purity) in the visual identity system to embody healing, strength and rising up - coming from the murky waters. The circle around the outside symbolizes the totality of life and the wholeness and perfection of humanity at it's core. The lily pad represents rebirth, renewal and life force energy. These were critical elements to incorporate in Jenna's visual identity, as her clients experience these transformations in both the small and large capacities after their time with Jenna.


"I'm feeling excellent about the new brand and website and I'm so grateful for your help. It's starting to pull in those clients that I truly wish to serve. Words can never express my gratitude for your creative gifts, Brannan! You have transformed my brand and now it feels like home. You’re the best!!!"

- jenna M.